Ahmed Youssef is a Ph.D. Candidate in the High Energy Theory Group at the University of Cincinnati, where he applies machine learning to tackle challenges in particle physics. Supported by the Department of Energy (DOE) and the National Science Foundation (NSF), his research focuses on improving simulation accuracy and efficiency in modeling particle collisions and includes developing an open-source visualization tool to enhance accessibility in the community.
Ahmed collaborates with researchers affiliated with leading institutions, including Berkeley, Fermilab, CERN, and MIT, and has presented at NeurIPS and various international venues. He has also served as a convener at DPF and Pheno 2024 and co-organized the Muslim in ML Affinity Workshop at NeurIPS 2024, with plans to expand similar initiatives to ICML, ICLR, and AISTATS.
Beyond particle physics, Ahmed contributes to AI explainability for Vision-Language Models and has explored generative models for creative applications and text style transfer, with his work featured at NeurIPS ML for Creativity and Design and ICNLP. Recognized with awards such as the URC Fellowship, Lab2Market Fellowship, and the Deutschland Scholarship, he bridges physics and AI through machine learning research to advance interpretable and scalable systems across disciplines.
Ph.D. in Physics, 2020 - Present
University of Cincinnati
BSc in Physics, 2019
Ruhr University Bochum
Responsibilities include (listed tasks resulted in publication(s) and talks at conferences):
Responsibilities include:
Responsibilities include:
In this paper, we present two novel training paradigms on how to train generative models on statistical data accessible in real-world experiments, to generate fine-grained particle information, which do not exist in measurement.
In this paper we introduce a model of hadronization based on invertible neural networks and a new training method for normalizing flows that improves the agreement between simulated and experimental data. We also demonstrate how to analyse statistical and modeling uncertainties in the generated distributions.
In this paper, we ‘hack’ generative models by injecting a small-scale trainable module between the intermediate layers of the model. This approach pushes their outputs away from the original training distribution towards a new objective.
The paper introduces a novel unsupervised text style transfer method using few-shot abstractive summarization. This approach aligns vector space embeddings of source and target texts, selects nearest neighbors based on semantic similarity, and reranks the summarization. This method significantly improves style transfer quality and achieves soa results in automatic evaluation metrics.
In this paper, a novel unbinned test statistic based on the Wasserstein distance is introduced to detect charge conjugation parity (CP) symmetry violation, demonstrated with CP asymmetric distributions in B0 and D0 decays. This statistic matches the sensitivity of traditional tests while providing more detailed insights into localized CP asymmetry.
The paper introduces a Monte Carlo-veto algorithm for efficient uncertainty estimation in collider-event simulations, applicable to the Lund string-fragmentation model. This approach enables analysis of different input parameters using a single simulated event set, streamlining uncertainty assessments in physics measurements.
In this paper, we calculate the leading and next-to-leading-logarithmic electroweak corrections for the charm-top-quark contribution to the CP violation parameter epsilon_K, which leads to the reduction of the theory prediction. A more accurate prediction in epsilon_K is crucial in particle physics as it measures CP violation in kaon decay, tests the Standard Model, and probes new physics.
Impressions of some locations I have visited to give talks including Novi Sad, Serbia; Geneva, Switzerland; Colerado, US; Pittsburgh, US; Boston, US; Krakow, Poland; Prague, Czech Republic; Hamburg, Germany; Heidelberg, Germany; Ljubljana, Slovenia; Venice, Italy; Thessaloniki, Greece; Santiago de Compostela, Spain; and New Orleans, US